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人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行,生活中如果你善于发现,那么哲理就在你的身边。哲理语录是我们对人生和世界的反思和思考, 你已经积累了多少经典哲学名言短语?"请各位同仁一同研究讨论供参考"!



2、The one who’s good in taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them.


4、You should keep a good heart, have sunshine in your heart, and make yourself happy.你要心存美好,心有阳光,让自己开心起来。

5、The best emotional investment is to provide timely help, not icing on the cake.最高明的情感投资是雪中送炭,而不是锦上添花。


7、“There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids the eagle and the snail.”

8、Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have.

9、You're never too heavy for your mother to bear. But try, as you get older, to swap roles once in a while.

10、Fear is a product of ignorance.

11、Time goes by so fast,people go in and out of your life。You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you。时间在流逝,生命中人来人往。不要错失机会,告诉他们在你生命中的意义。

12、Acquire knowledge in learning and courage in fighting.在学习中取得知识,在战斗中取得勇敢。


14、I don’t have a romantic bone in my body. But with you, I’m totally different.

15、Have a trip.What the world can give you is always beyond what runs wild in your mind——出去外面走走,这个世界能给你的,往往能比我们一直乱想的东西还多。

16、Maturity does not lie in how old you are, but how strong you are to take on responsibilities.

17、Fame is the chas tisement of meit and the punishment of talent.

18、Save your feelings for those who really care about you.把感情,留着真正在乎疼爱你的人。

19、There are plenty of things in life that you don't want to do but you have to,this is responsibility.For the things that you want to do but you can't,this is fate.

20、Little compliments mean so much to me sometimes。有时,微不足道的一点肯定,对我却意义非凡。

21、Without dreams and feelings, the most primitive sleep in life is also a sample of death.没有梦,没有感觉,人生最原始的睡,同时也是死的样品。

22、Good women make men bored, bad women make men worried.好女人让男人无聊,坏女人让男人烦恼。

23、Happiness is a person with you boring, rare is both of you don't feel boring. ~~~幸福就是有一个人陪你无聊,难得的是你们两个都不觉得无聊



25、love is like a friendship caught on fire. in the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. as love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.

26、The big is hidden in the dynasty, the middle is hidden in the city, and the small is hidden in the wild.大隐隐于朝,中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野。

27、Accept whaat was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.

28、No tears in the writer,no tears in the reader. -------Robert Frost

29、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.--Thomas Carlyle

30、It is the possibility of realizing dreams that makes life interesting.恰恰是实现梦想的可能性,才使生活变得有趣。

31、A person can succeed at anything for which there is enthusiasm

32、On the way of life,we‘re walking hand in hand to the bright future.

33、Sometimes people choose to leave not because of selfish reasons, but they know that things will get worse if they stay.

34、Whether happiness and sorrow in life would finally become memories. Why not face them with smile?


36、Want to know what a man needs, depending on what he pursuit; Want to know what love a person, just look at what he make public. 想知道一个人需求什么,就看他追求什么;想知道一个人爱慕什么,就看他张扬什么。

37、No matter how far you may fly, never forget where you come from. ~~~无论你能飞多远,都别忘了你来自何方。


39、Sleep when you are sleepy. Don't stay up too long.困了就睡一会,别熬夜太久。

40、We always say the years are the same.,but we don't know whether it is as early as possible. 我们总说 岁月如故 却不知道是否如初

41、When I hear something that is obviously irrelevant, I will turn a few corners in my heart and think of you.听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐几个弯想到你。

42、You are my left wing. Without you, I can't fly heartily.你就是我左半边翅膀,少了你,我不能尽情地飞翔。

43、There are three things never back: the shot arrow ,the spoken words,and spent days.

44、The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past。To change your future,alter your decisions today。今天的果,缘于过去行为种下的因。想要改变你的未来,改变你的今天。

45、The most unhappy people in the world are those who know too much and think too much.

46、Life is often playing jokes on us. What you're expect will far away from you and the one you held tightly will finally hurt you most.