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1、He promised to avenge his father's murder.(他发誓要报杀父之仇。)

2、The researchers used the drill to dig down some 740 meters.(研究人员用钻孔机挖了740米深。)

3、Those, whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder.(这些由上帝所连接的新人结合是不会被任何人拆散的。)

4、It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities.(也感觉到制度的崩溃提供了新的可能。)

5、There is a small network of rhombus in tokyo astronomical observatory.(东京天文台有一个小的菱形网。)

6、On 8 June 2004, more than half the population of the world were treated to a rare astronomical event.(2004年6月8日,世界上一半以上的人有幸目睹了罕见的天文现象。)

7、Why settle for reality when you can augment it?(当我们能增大化现实的时候,我们又为什么要满足于现实呢?)

8、Turn the headlights on, I heard her say in a barely audible voice.(把前灯打开,我听到她用小的几乎听不见的声音说。)

9、Everybody looks agape, also forget even timekeeper press stopwatch.(大家都看得目瞪口呆,连计时员也忘记按下秒表了。)

10、Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.(确保你流畅、无颤动地完成所有动作。)

11、Those who seek asylum also receive short shrift.(寻求庇护者也受到了冷遇。)

12、The second auxiliary rule for becoming rich is to pick your education carefully.(致富的第二条辅助规则是要精心地选好所受的教育。)

13、She died in suspicious circumstances.(她死得蹊跷。)

14、You can use add-ons to augment the hardware and OS configuration of a virtual machine.(附件可用于扩大虚拟机的硬件和OS配置。)

15、Another common way is using signal attribute.(另一种常见的方法是使用信号属性。)

16、They will attribute positive results to the outside help or even luck.(他们将积极的结果归因于外界的帮助,甚至是运气。)

17、Home Application: White Goods, Small Appliance, Kitchen Appliance, Smart Home, Micro Actuate.(家用电器:白色家电,小家电,厨房电器,智能家居,微型致动器。)

18、If or else is in charge of him, of this child's true can complete addle.(假如再不管他,这孩子真的会彻底变坏的。)

19、Cities today are competing for the best talent that can augment the productivity of their economy.(今天的各个城市正在争夺可以提高经济生产率的最优秀人才。)


20、He was jailed for five years as an alleged spy.(他被指控为间谍而被监禁了5年。)

21、Wonder how others are coping with your particular ailment?(但是其他人如何处理自己的特殊症状呢?)

22、We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift.(我们现在通过测量掩埋在漂流物中木头放射性的碳-14元素,以精确地确定冰川作用的时期。)

23、It was another indication of a rising tide of personal aversion to Mr Berlusconi.(这是表明对贝卢斯科尼先生的个人厌恶高涨的另一个迹象。)

24、The main git package contains the git executable and a few auxiliary git applications.(主git包包含git可执行文件和一些辅助git应用程序。)

25、Single-Leg Kick has been a favorite drill of some of the world's greatest breaststrokers.(单腿蛙泳练习历来是世界级优秀蛙泳选手的最爱。)

26、Mae La Na is a relatively modern and well-developed village, but tourists still have more than enough possibilities to experience an authentic way of living.(湄拉娜是一个相对现代和发达的村庄,但旅客们仍能有丰富的机会来体验真实的生活方式。)

27、Thy sword is with me to cut asunder my bonds, and there shall be no fear left for me in the world.(你的剑会助我劈开我的羁绊,在这世界上我将毫不畏惧。)

28、Separating some auxiliary storage pools (ASPs) for journal files was essential to our test.(在日志文件中分隔辅助存储池(ASP)在我们的测试中是必要的。)

29、"I wish I could have had such talks with mine," was Churchill's reply, of his austere parent.(“我希望我父亲也能和我这样聊天,”丘吉尔回答道,想起了他严厉的父亲。)

30、Attribute values must be quoted.(属性值必须加引号。)

31、The committee refused to attribute blame without further information.(如果没有进一步的情况,委员会拒绝归罪于任何人。)

32、That means that our nearest neighbours are perhaps 100 light years away, which is almost next door in astronomical terms.(那意味着我们最近的邻居星球离我们大约有100光年远,从天文学的角度来说,这几乎是一墙之隔。)

33、If he presents himself as a radical he risks scaring off the moderates whose votes he so desperately needs.(如果他表现出自己是个激进分子的话,他就有可能吓跑那些温和派,而他急需那些人的选票。)

34、That aversion is usually healthy but not when deflation looms.(这样的厌恶通常是健康的但不是在现在通货紧缩还不明朗的时候。)

35、The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.(损害的程度是无法预见到的。)

36、Houses in the subdivision are going for astronomical prices.(该小区里的房子在以天价出售。)

37、She was desperately looking for an out.(她在拼命找一条脱身之计。)

38、Apple's share price is astronomical, it's true.(诚然,苹果的股价已经是天文数字。)


39、Didn't people feel the same 70 years ago, or did they avert their eyes?(难道70年前,人们没有相同的感受?还是,他们只当做没看见。)

40、Velzquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.(从那以后,委拉斯开兹的作品就很大程度上仅限于王室的肖像画了。)

41、buoy marked the entrance to the anchorage.(停泊处的入口有一个浮标作标记。)

42、He liked to attribute his longevity to "cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women".(他喜欢将自己的长寿归功于“香烟、威士忌和狂野的女人”。)

43、Inspector Walsh looked at him. 'Oh yes.(沃尔什探长看着他。“哦,是的。”)

44、The blink reflex of the aversion response will prevent eye damage.(厌恶反应的眨眼反射将防止眼睛受到伤害。)

45、We have become suspicious of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain.(我们已经开始怀疑我们的食物,特别是当我们更多地了解它们所含的东西。)

46、For the Earth, it is one because we work in astronomical units.(地球也是一个,因为我们用天文单位。)

47、You will surely agree that all the above-mentioned qualities and abilities are important for the attainment of success!(你一定也非常同意上面所有提到的品质和能力对于获得成功是非常重要的。)

48、The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.(这枚炸弹装有几磅烈性炸药。)

49、The earthquake sent the vibration to a village a hundred miles away.(地震把震动传到了一百英里以外的村庄。)

50、Because the face of the woman in the under image also appears on canvases Van Gogh is known to have painted, the surface painting must be an authentic self-portrait by Van Gogh.(因为下面的女人的脸也出现在梵高画过的画布上,所以这幅凸版印刷一定是梵高的自画像。)

51、attribute much of my success there to having learned, through the study of mathematics, and, in particular, theorems, how to analyze complicated principles.(我把我成功的大部分原因归结于学习数学的收获,尤其是分析复杂原则的那些定理。)

52、Tony picked himself up and set off along the track.(托尼慢慢站起,沿道跑起来。)

53、growl is audible; it is a huge dog, who shows his teeth and replaces the English.(他听见一阵狺吠声,是一头张牙露齿、代替英国人的大恶狗。)

54、His attorney presented testimony that he had indeed applied for jobs and was listed with several employment agencies, including the State Employment Agency, but there weren't any jobs.(他的律师提供的证词显示,他确实申请了工作,并在几家职业介绍所登记过,其中包括州职业介绍所,但那里没有任何职位。)

55、The signs augur well for tomorrow's weather.(种种征候预示明天天气良好。)

56、But the latest atrocity-or rather co-ordinated series of atrocities (see article) -is something new to the city.(但最近的这类暴行—或者一系列有组织的暴行,在这个城市却鲜有发生。)

57、It's going to be a different reality -a more austere one -when we come out on the other end of this.(当我们到达另一端,更为清苦的一端,现实将会不同。)


58、But the classroom itself is austere.(但是教室本身却非常简朴。)

59、Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture.(上周,我们带着我们学校的外国学生去体验真正的茶文化。)

60、Mr Schultz wants to burst asunder the bonds created by Starbucks's humble origins as a coffee shop.(舒尔茨先生想把星巴克和出生寒微的作为咖啡店的星巴克之间的联系打碎。)

61、It is then acceptable to be used as an astronomical telescope.(这样的望远镜才适合做天文望远镜。)

62、Scala distinguishes between a primary constructor and zero or more auxiliary constructors.(Scala可以区分主构造函数和0个或多个辅助构造函数。)

63、But the cult of the authentic and the personal, "doing our own thing", has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music.(但是,对真实和个人的崇拜,和对“做我们自己的事”的追求,已经导致了正式演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐的消亡。)

64、Exercise releases hormones that can improve mood and relieve stress, which can also help learning.(锻炼能释放荷尔蒙,荷尔蒙可以改善情绪和缓解压力,这也有助于学习。)

65、To the poor stationarity of bent axle and the big vibration after remodeling, we redesign the bent axle.(针对改型后两缸机平稳性差、振动大的特点,我们对曲轴做了重新设计。)

66、The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.(这座岛屿有如此丰富多样的景色和野生动植物。)

67、In many cases, they have a general aversion to the idea of elaborate theology.(在许多情况下,他们对阐述精微的神学思想有一种普遍的厌恶。)

68、Taking intellectual property course will to some extent help students to develop a good academic attitude.(上知识产权课在一定程度上有助于学生培养良好的学术态度。)

69、Andrew, you have a very suspicious mind.(安德鲁,你疑心太重了。)

70、She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.(她决心向那个负心男人报仇。)

71、If I die, take good care in bringingup our boy. He has unusual signs and will grow up to avenge me.(我若死,汝好生看养吾儿;吾儿有异相,长大必当与吾报仇也。)

72、ne of those things is a given anymore in communities where college-degree attainment is low.(在大学程度人群所占比例比较低的社区中,上述特点是看不到的。)

73、Bernstein predicts "an avalanche of interest and support" if all goes well.(伯恩斯坦预计,如果一切顺利,将会有“大量利益和支持涌现”。)

74、nine-year-old boy was trapped in a snow drift.(一个9岁的男孩陷在雪堆里了。)

75、This vibration creates an alternating current that can be tapped.(电子振动又产生了可以利用的交变电流。)

76、Biography must to some extent delineate characters.(在某种程度上,传记一定要描述人物。)