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“But limitations abound.(但其局限性不少。)。”根据您的需求句抄派小编为您准备了以下英语好句好词,通过沟通交流不同的人可以更好地了解彼此,各种精彩的句子被大众创造出来。有趣的句子使我们的生活更加丰富多彩,建议您保存此页面上的句子以备日后阅读之用!

1、The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.(那个邪恶的继母叫她的两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾剪下来,以适应鞋子的大小。)

2、He put on the air of an aristocrat.(他摆出一副贵族的架势。)

3、Bound for Chicago from Zurich on the morning of May 8, the passengers of Swiss International Air Lines Flight 8 saw nothing amiss.(5月8日上午,在从苏黎世飞往芝加哥的客机上,乘坐瑞士国际航空公司第8次航班的乘客没有丝毫异样感觉。)

4、But almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.(但是杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。)

5、We found this place a nice ambience.(我们发现这地方的环境不错。)

6、Royal chateaus abound between Tours and Blois.(在图尔斯和布瓦卢之间皇家酒庄比比皆是。)

7、Bai still drove a tricycle to make money every day.(他自己每天仍然亲自蹬三轮车挣钱。)

8、blast of wind blew the window and the door agape.(一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。)

9、The city has plans to redevelop the site.(这个城市计划重新建设这一地区。)

10、Treason in this country is still punishable by death.(在该国,叛国仍是死罪。)

11、The hen has five chicks.(母鸡有五只小鸡。)

12、Principles of motivation and rapid decision making often determine whether or not a learner will actuate known principles.(动机原理和快速决策通常能决定学习者是否能运用所学知识。)

13、Reading the real meaning is interpretation, or be misreading, especially be arrant misreading.(阅读的真正含义在于解读,或者被误读,特别是被彻头彻尾的误读。)

14、Hachnut has found, however, that the attrition rate of graduates from this program is very high, with many of them leaving Hachnut to join competing firms soon after completing the program.(然而,哈克纳特发现,该项目的毕业生流失率非常高,许多人在完成项目后不久就离开哈克纳特,然后加入了其竞争对手的公司。)

15、The three poets, with their mouths open, looked at him aghast, and there was a thirsty yet unlyrical hatred in their eyes.(那三位诗人张咧着嘴,看得惊呆了。他们的眼里,露出强烈而不再有诗意的仇恨。)

16、Her great natural beauty was, if not heightened, rendered more obvious by her attire.(她本来是一种天然的美丽,穿上那一身服装,如果说不是更美了,那也是更加显眼了。)

17、This universal view is called "myth of amoral business".(这一普遍性看法被称为“企业非道德性神话”。)

18、The object is to addle and not to elucidate.(其目的是为了混淆而不是为了阐明。)

19、Do you know what I definitely believe in?(你知道什么是我绝对相信的吗?)

20、Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools project (BIRT) is based on initial research work and code donated by Actuate to the Eclipse foundation.(Eclipse商业智能和报表工具项目(BIRT)是以actuate捐赠给Eclipse基金的初步研究工作和代码为基础的。)

21、My father was a born aristocrat.(我父亲是个天生的贵族。)

22、Even immature attempt, rather than abortive strategy.(即使是不成熟的尝试,也胜于胎死腹中的策略。)

23、The warm fire, along with the aromatic rice and hot water wiped out our fatigue and hunger completely.(温暖的火、喷香的米饭和滚热的洗脚水,把我们身上的疲劳、饥饿都撵走了。)

24、We huddled by our window with our mouths agape as somebody repeated 'Oh my God!' over and over again.(我们挤在窗口,嘴巴张得大大的,有人在一遍又一遍地喃喃自语:“我的上帝!我的上帝!”)

25、different interpretation is possible when the actual amount of information acquired by the user is taken into account.(如果考虑用户实际获得的信息量,可能会有不同的解释。)

26、Meyers had been feeling quite run-down for weeks before his liver ailment was diagnosed.(在未被诊断为肝病之前,迈耶斯先生几周以来就一直有疲惫的感觉。)

27、But limitations abound.(但其局限性不少。)

28、Some other products don't seem to sink into the skin, but almond oil does.(其它产品似乎都不能被皮肤完全吸收,但是杏仁油可以。)

29、Making the ancient art form into fashion, not only can develop more diversified forms of fashion design, but also can actuate the painting art a long history.(将古老的艺术表现形式通过现代服装的笔触化为时尚,不仅可以使现代服装形态更为多样化,也可以使彩绘艺术源远流长。)

30、The scents associated with Libra are almond, rose, vanilla and violet.(杏仁,玫瑰,香草和紫罗兰。)

31、Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend.(分析人士说,最大的问题是高失业率,这削弱了需求,并使银行不愿放贷。)

32、The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became.(我们爬得越高,风景越是令人惊叹。)

33、However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.(然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。)

34、Latching relays use a pulse of current to actuate them, so they have very low thermoelectric drift.(闭锁继电器采用了一个电流脉冲进行激励,因此其热电漂移非常小。)

35、What do you think of food wasting according to your morality standard? 1. Amoral 2. Immoral or 3. Moral.(根据你的道德标准,你认为浪费食物是?1。与道德无关,2。不道德3。合乎道德。)

36、They are amoral, some of them are nicer and better than others But they're not necessarily morally good or righteous.(他们是没有道德原则的,其中一些比另一些和善一点,但他们并没有道德上的美好和正直。)

37、Investors will be dealing with the aftermath for decades to come.(而投资者将在未来十年中疲于善后。)

38、He was left alone and agape.(剩下他独自一个张大着嘴发呆。)