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Discussion:Task: Design (group work)。根据您的要求栏目小编为您整理了变长说课稿句子的具体资料,这个小镇很古老居民们非常友善?分享信息是建立信任和深入交流的有效方式,句子和生活已经是彼此不可或缺的一部分,句子对我们来说是不可或缺的。

1、I saw a movie last night/ yesterday evening. It was one of the best films that I have ever seen.

2、Keep_____ to us or you’ll lose your way.

3、大多数 the majority of…

4、at one’s expense由某人负担费用

5、Shakespeare is most famous for his plays.

6、A strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________

7、When was Factory 798 built? Who designed it? Who built it?

8、Show the Ss some building pictures.(幻灯片3)

9、开会迟到 be late for meeting 晚做作业 be late with hoework

10、不是别的,正是… no other than

11、stick贴、粘;插、扎;卡住、陷在……里;伸出;突出,n.棍 子 .手杖

12、The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”

13、a large amount of/ amounts of +u.n

14、没有…可能性 There is no possibility of doing

15、remain to be done 有待…

16、Showcases in design museums are different from store windows because they __

17、时态.与主句相呼应: 如果主句是现在的时态 (包括一般现在时 ,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过 去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)

18、Give the Ss a situation with different topics and let them practice the dialogue in pairs, using proper expressions on preferences.

19、Discussion:Task: Design (group work)

20、A. something B. everything C. whatever D. others

21、The house has been standing_____without use for months.

22、be cast away (被动)因沉船而流落于某地

23、on a desert island; a deserted street

24、“I met her yesterday.” he said to me.

25、inform sb of sth通知 informed了解情况的,见闻广识的

26、in charge of管理-in the charge of 在…的管理下

27、The choices open to design museums __

28、Why is the Shanghai World Financial Center to be built? :

29、pick out 挑选出 pick the flower 摘花 pick up 捡起,无意间学会,接某人

30、避免做某事 miss doing sth

31、name sb as任命,指定

32、Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration.

33、对..感兴趣 take/show interest in=be interested in

34、Why is it very different from Chinese architecture?

35、Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?

36、. Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people’s feeling of beauty.

37、A. for example B. such as

38、take (full) advantage of 充分利用 have an advantage over sb 比…

39、Does your sister get up early? Do you know?

40、想要做…feel like doing=would like to do sth

41、严密保管某物 keep sth under lock and key

42、Attention, please. And keep _______when I am taking a photograph of you.

43、1)The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture.

44、You deserve punishment/ punishing/ to be punished.

45、she missed the plane,_____driving very fast to the air-port.

46、在…中间 in the middle of

47、充满 be filled with /be full of 20.用…装满 fill up with

48、I wouldn’t feel happy living in a block of apartments.

49、Our teacher asked us _____ our dictionaries to school.

50、My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ______ , he could neither sleep nor eat.

51、把 …. 结合成一整体put ….together 35. 突出,显眼stand out

52、为了纪念 in honour of

53、We’re worried about ________ he is safe.

54、The pupil asked his teacher _____ round the earth.


56、be to blame 应受到责备 Who is to blame for the broken glass?

57、From Passage 2 we can infer that

58、Why was Factory 798 welcomed by painters, music bands, artists and musicians?

59、lie 位于/躺-lay-lain lay 放置,孵蛋-laid-laid

60、. (Betty came in, tired. Lisa said to her)

61、When the meeting will be held haven’t been known yet.

62、Reading for details

63、What surprised me was not what he said but ______he said it.

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