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Those balls aren't theirs.(那些球不是他们的。)。通过了解您的喜好我们为您推荐了正合您意的发说说英文怎么说,在彼此交流文化的时候,让我们彼此转发一些让人心灵震撼的短句。句子就像是盛开的花朵能够散发出迷人的香气,我深信这个计划能够对大家有所帮助!


1、'He's over there,' said Ali, waving a hand towards some trees.(“他在那儿。”阿里说着朝几棵树挥了挥手。)

2、At 6 p.m. there will be a reception and cash bar.(下午6点钟有招待会和饮料吧台。)

3、This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher's me, here, now becomes the community's anyone, anywhere, anytime.(这就是取得公信力的过程,通过这个过程,个体研究者的我、此处、此时此刻变成了社会上的任何人、任何地方、任何时间。)

4、She stuck to her story.(她坚持自己所说的。)

5、You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise?(你知道当你拍打肉的时候,它会发出声音吗?)

6、Here is a sticky business!(这事真难办!)

7、The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.(一个三角形的所有角度之和是180度。)

8、Mail order is a convenience for buyers who are too busy to shop.(邮购对于那些没有时间购物的人来说是很方便的。)

9、Interestingly, parents' attitudes toward education do not seem to reflect their own educational background as much as a belief in the importance of education for upward mobility.(有趣的是,父母对教育的态度似乎并没有反映出他们自己的教育背景,而是反映出他们相信教育对向上晋升的重要性。)

10、The little pupil took his grandma by the arm and walked her across the street.(小学生拉着奶奶的胳膊,带她过了马路。)

11、Mr Obama’s televised beginning-of-term speech to schoolchildren caused a flap.(电视上播放奥巴马给小学生做新学期演讲,民众议论纷纷。)

12、Their aims are coincident with ours.(他们的目标和我们的一致。)

13、Many believe an entirely new approach to indoor farming is required, employing cutting-edge technologies.(许多人认为,有必要采用一种全新的方法、使用最先进的技术来进行室内种植。)

14、All you need is a bigger saucepan.(你需求做的仅仅是买口大锅而已。)

15、Photograph of a raindrop hanging on a thin leaf, with the refraction of the grass behind it, taken in my backyard.(细细的叶上悬挂着一滴水滴,该水滴折射出了它后面的绿草。这张图片是在我家后院拍摄到的。)

16、There is a school over there.(那有一个学校。)

17、The ship was broken up for scrap metal.(船被拆解成为废铁。)

18、Do we or do we not go on holiday?(我们是去度假还是不去?)

19、Several days ago, I was suddenly disturbed by a joyous din from outside the window.(前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。)

20、The life jacket failed to inflate.(救生衣未能充气。)

21、She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange.(她小心翼翼地把脚趾甲涂成艳丽的红色或桔色。)

22、They stuck to their task manfully.(他们勇于恪尽职守。)

23、The canteen takes all the ground floor of the west wing.(食堂占据西翼楼一层的全部。)

24、Those balls aren't theirs.(那些球不是他们的。)


25、If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital.(如果出血已经停止,用绷带包扎伤口并把病人送往医院。)

26、Scrub, the pet cat of Jennifer's, was found! It got lost five years ago.(詹妮弗的宠物猫Scrub被找到了!它是五年前丢失的。)

27、can stand on one toe for hours.(我可以用一只脚趾站上好几个小时。)

28、They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear.(他们非常明智,从头到脚裹着雨具。)

29、Scrub the bathtub when it's not your turn.(在没轮到你“值日”时清洁浴缸。)

30、Come and sit down—you look done in.(过来坐坐吧—你看样子累坏了。)

31、The receptionist deemed that he had broken the rule that insists patients mustn't eat for 10 hours before the checkup.(诊所的接待员认为他破坏了规矩:所有医患在身体检查前十小时都不得吃任何东西。)

32、That colour has gone out of fashion.(那种颜色已不时兴了。)

33、Indoor and outdoor living at its best.(最佳室内和室外生活。)

34、The responses of raindrop on the absolute change of electric field angle are week.(雨滴对电场角度绝对值变化的反应较为缓慢。)

35、Because hip-hop is a form that's familiar and meaningful to you.(因为嘻哈音乐是一种你们熟悉且对你们有意义的音乐形式。)

36、Wake up! Wake up! I wake up every morning.(醒醒,醒醒。我每天早上醒来。)

37、I'll do the shopping this afternoon.(我今天下午要去购物。)

38、You can keep the glove.(你们可以留着手套。)

39、He bought me a new coat.(他给我买了一件新外套。)

40、Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house!(安静点,别把全家人都吵醒!)

41、Tip: Don't scrub too hard, but be thorough.(小贴士:清洗时不要太用力,但要彻底。)

42、Wake up! It's eight o'clock.(醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。)

43、She had no time to scrub, no time to hesitate.(她没时间去洗手,没时间再犹豫了。)

44、If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.(如果没有,你的物品放在有纽扣的口袋里是最安全的。)

45、These chopsticks are beautiful!(这些筷子真漂亮!)

46、The sausage remained so long away, that they became uneasy, and the bird flew out to meet him.(香肠出去太久了,他们感到不安,小鸟飞出来找他。)

47、The Lady Edith said--Sir, I have come to warn you.(伊迪丝小姐说:先生,我是来警告您的。)

48、Many French people try to avoid Anglicisms such as 'weekend' and 'shopping'.(很多法国人尽量避免使用weekend和shopping之类的英式用语。)