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“Oops, wrong again.(噢,又错了。)。”句子是学问的传承引领我们追溯人类的文明,也许你也分享了不少的经典句子。"英文句子文案短句专题文章句抄派的编辑为您整理了最独家的知识资料",衷心感谢您对我们的关注和支持您的支持将激励我们更上一层楼!

1、am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.(我要把你洗的脸掉层皮,看你还嚣张。)

2、When most people think of the word "education", they think of a pupil as a sort of animate sausage casing.(当大多数人想到教育这个词的时候,他们会想到学生是一种有生命的香肠外壳。)

3、They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear.(他们非常明智,从头到脚裹着雨具。)

4、Yao had one of his worst games since he came back from his toe injury last night. He just stunk tonight.(姚打了一场自从他昨晚从脚趾受伤复出后最差的比赛之一。他今晚打的真臭。)

5、This is the canteen.(这是餐厅。)

6、It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs.(这是个胳膊和腿都能活动的乙烯基塑料娃娃。)

7、What do you get when you cross a cow with a buffalo?(当你将一只奶牛和一只水牛杂交时你得到了什么?)

8、What I said about Peter goes for you, too.(我说的关于彼得的话也适用于你。)

9、Can you turn the music lower—you'll wake the baby.(能不能把音乐放小点,别把孩子吵醒了。)

10、t many people bring food to school because food in the canteen is cheap.(很少有人带食物去学校,因为食堂的食物很便宜。)

11、After he opened it, all that he found was a little rubber doll.(打开后,他只发现了一个小橡胶娃娃。)

12、She's getting goose bumps from a song.(一首歌让她深受感动。)

13、Oops, wrong again.(噢,又错了。)

14、Come and sit down—you look done in.(过来坐坐吧—你看样子累坏了。)

15、Oops, Sorry, We Appear to Have Put Mr. Sliney in the Wrong section.(哎呀,对不起,我们似乎把斯里尼先生的故事放错段落了。)

16、Teri and Kim are sent to a clinic for a checkup, and Jack begs Nina to watch over them.(泰瑞和金姆被送去一家诊所做身体检查,杰克拜托尼娜去照看保卫她们。)

17、The woman is impossible, thought Francesca.(弗朗西丝卡暗自思忖,这个女人真让人受不了。)

18、Toad found himself flying through the air with the strong upward rush and delicate curve of a swallow.(托德发现自己以强劲向上的冲力飞上了天空,弧线像燕子优美。)

19、The reality is full of diversification now, but people lost the feeler to feel the reality.(现实便得多样化了,人们却丧失了感觉真实的触角。)

20、think my big toe is broken.(我想我的大脚趾断了。)

21、Rabbits hop in the grass.(兔子在草地里跳。)

22、The reduction in bullying—and the consequent improvement in pupil happiness—is surely a worthwhile objective.(减少恃强凌弱现象——进而提高小学生的幸福感——无疑是一个值得追求的目标。)

23、The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.(一个三角形的所有角度之和是180度。)

24、The dialogue and acting in Indecent Proposal are tired, clichéd and corny.(《桃色交易》中的对话和表演既陈腐、老套又很过时。)

25、That car is ours.(那辆车是我们的。)

26、You can use that glass as a vase.(你可以把那个玻璃杯当作花瓶用。)

27、"I don't care if I scrub toilets," she says, "I just want a job."(“我不在乎我是否要擦洗厕所,”她说道,“我只是想要一份工作。”)

28、She had half a grapefruit for breakfast.(她早饭吃了半个柚子。)

29、There is a school over there.(那有一个学校。)

30、w what about that shopping list? I've got to get going.(现在那张购物清单怎么样了?我得走了。)

31、Originally, inserting a new lens meant cutting a flap in the eyeball some 11mm across.(最初,植入一个新的晶体意味着在眼球上划开一个大约11毫米的口子。)

32、am putting out feeler to see if he'd like to come and work for us.(我正在试探他,看他是否愿意来为我们工作。)

33、man goes to his doctor for a complete checkup.(一个男人找到大夫为他做一个全面检查。)

34、The idea that house prices are "sticky" and do not fall as demand falls should be of great comfort to homeowners.(房价具有“粘性”,并且不会随需求的下降而下降,这一观点的出现会让房主们宽心不少。)

35、Their house is always spick and span.(他们家总是收拾得清清爽爽。)

36、Mr. Mandela was given a warm reception in Washington.(曼德拉先生在华盛顿受到了热情接待。)

37、When you proud, raindrop is my alarm bells, may it can make you gain eternal humility.(当你骄傲时,雨点就是我的警钟,愿它能使你获得永恒的谦逊。)

38、If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital.(如果出血已经停止,用绷带包扎伤口并把病人送往医院。)

39、John smiled faintly and shook his head.(约翰勉强地微笑了一下,然后摇了摇头。)

40、They stuck to their task manfully.(他们勇于恪尽职守。)

41、You will automatically wake up after this length of time.(你将在这段时间之后自然醒来。)

42、It is a sticky colorless film that coats the teeth.(它是一种覆盖在牙齿上的粘性无色薄膜。)

43、Tissue that is removed during the operation is checked for signs of malignancy.(手术过程中切除的组织用于诊断疾病是否为恶性。)

44、What do Olympic volunteers do?(奥运志愿者都要做些什么?)

45、Because hip-hop is a form that's familiar and meaningful to you.(因为嘻哈音乐是一种你们熟悉且对你们有意义的音乐形式。)

46、The canteen takes all the ground floor of the west wing.(食堂占据西翼楼一层的全部。)

47、If Nana had been with them, she would have had a bandage round Michael's forehead by this time.(如果娜娜和他们在一起,她现在一定已经在迈克尔的额头上缠了绷带。)

48、She was a practical, unsentimental woman.(她是一个务实的不易动感情的女人。)

49、Several days ago, I was suddenly disturbed by a joyous din from outside the window.(前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。)

50、He gave the boy some money to buy the doll.(他给了那个男孩一些钱去买洋娃娃。)

51、The canteen has become clean.(食堂变干净了。)

52、Scrub, the pet cat of Jennifer's, was found! It got lost five years ago.(詹妮弗的宠物猫Scrub被找到了!它是五年前丢失的。)

53、temperature sensibility feeler of the temperature detect switch is disposed on the outer body.(所述温控开关的感温探头安装在外杯体上。)

54、The ship was broken up for scrap metal.(船被拆解成为废铁。)

55、I'll do the shopping this afternoon.(我今天下午要去购物。)

56、Here is a sticky business!(这事真难办!)

57、My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.(我的希望就是有朝一日我能去那里跟她结婚。)

58、That colour has gone out of fashion.(那种颜色已不时兴了。)