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Advocate grain saving and promote sustainable development.~~你愿意和你的朋友分享吗?以下是由句抄派小编为你整理的《粮食英语名言62条》,还请多多关注我们网站!

1、Since then, a porridge and a meal have been considered twice.

2、How hard parents work, do not forget the original heart of gratitude.


4、Every meal does not care about farming, but every grain strives to smell the fragrance of the earth.

5、A porridge and a meal are hard to come by, and a thread of constant thought is hard to come by.

6、A porridge and a meal are hard to think about; Half a thread, constant thought, material difficulties.

7、Set up the consciousness of saving grain and cherish the fruits of labor.

8、There is no seed in gold, but it comes from thrifty people.

9、Rice grain read sweat, at the grain when regret.

10、A grain of rice, a thousand drops of sweat, grains of grain, sweat change.

11、From today on, be a thrifty person.

12、Even if you're hungry, keep your manners.

13、Save a grain, may be able to save a person's life!



16、Every grain deserves to be treated gently.

17、Saving food is everyone's responsibility!

18、We should be diligent and thrifty, and put an end to food and beverage waste.


20、Cherish the fruits of labor and oppose the waste of grain.

21、It's not easy to be satisfied, but it's hard to be satisfied.

22、Save food, save clothes, and get better every day.

23、Starting from me, we should build a conservation oriented society.

24、Every year there is storage, but not waste people.

25、Think of danger in times of peace and cherish food.

26、Everyone is responsible for saving food. Saving food is good for everyone.

27、When there is a famine, save to tide over it; when there is a famine, save to prepare for it.



30、We should cherish grain and refuse to waste it.

31、Cold and warm floating dust, food for the day, bitter and sweet in the world, good first.

32、Heaven and earth "grain" heart, treasure food.


34、Cherish grain and be prepared for danger in times of peace.

35、Rice grains sweat, at the grain regret late.

36、No matter how much food there is, we should prepare several pots of wild vegetables.

37、Hard working and thrifty, the grain is full, the money is extravagant, the bottom of the warehouse is smooth.

38、One minute in the disk, one minute in the kitchen.

39、Eat and drink, look before your eyes, and live frugally through the famine.

40、If you can't eat well, you can satisfy your hunger; The body is not beautiful; Cover up.

41、A grain of grain, a drop of sweat.

42、If you are rich and have no hunger, you should cherish the grain. If you have good food, you can follow it well.

43、A grain of grain, a drop of sweat, is gold.


45、Store a spoonful of rice a day and a stone of grain a thousand days.

46、If you want to get enough grain, you have to have a simple meal.

47、Save rice today, save oil tomorrow, and buy a scalper next year.

48、Saving is glorious, and people praise it; Waste is shameful, who hears who is evil.

49、What's your heart when you're full of food in high buildings, or when you're happy in deep halls?

50、It is necessary to be thrifty and rich to serve the dishes with sweat.


52、Ten acres of hard work, a busy life through the heat and cold.

53、What fell down was leftovers, and what flowed away was sweat and blood.

54、Save food and stay away from waste.

55、If you are warm enough, you can't stop drinking. If you are hungry or cold, you can prepare surplus food.

56、Those who cherish food will always have food.

57、Careful calculation, oil and salt constantly.

58、The ambition is simple and bright, but the festival is fat and sweet.

59、Although the harvest of grain depends on the weather, it is more arduous to sweat.

60、My humble wife offered me a bowl of porridge and recalled my childhood regret.

61、Careful calculation is enough for half a year.

62、Advocate grain saving and promote sustainable development.