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Although ambitious, down-to-earth is gold.~~还有哪些这方面的句子可供分享呢?句抄派编辑特意为大家收集整理了“高中议论文常用素材名人名言35条”,请马上收藏本页,以方便再次阅读!

1、Sweep the floor together!

2、Poverty is not enough for shame, but shame is poverty without ambition-- Lv Kun

3、Don't worry about the vague future, but work hard for the clear present

4、The body and skin, by the parents, dare not damage, the beginning of filial piety; Stand up and walk the path, and become famous in later generations to show parents and the end of filial piety-- The Book of Filial Piety

5、Life is brilliant in shining and real in ordinary—— Burke

6、If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world-- Goethe

7、A person's brain is the same as his body. If he uses it more, he will be more flexible. If he doesn't use it, he will be useless. - Mao Yisheng

8、It takes only a few steps to make a thousand miles; There is no river or sea without small streams-- Xunzi's Persuasion to Learn

9、It is wise to understand responsibility, mission and gratitude.

10、Boneness is Mencius' loyalty that "wealth cannot be replaced, poverty cannot be removed"; Boneness is Li Bai's arrogant and unruly attitude of "Anneng is able to crush the brows and stoop to the waist and make me unhappy"; Boneness is Yu Qian's strong and unyielding spirit of "not afraid of being crushed and broken, but want to stay in the world"; Boneness is Ye Ting's fearless attitude of "how can a person climb out of a dog hole".

11、Destiny is invented by those cowardly and resigned people!

12、Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you can learn to bear hardships first -- Turgenev

13、Youth is our bargaining chip, not the capital for us to squander.

14、Life is not about surpassing others, but about surpassing ourselves


16、Those who only dream but do not act will never experience the joy of harvest.

17、The shortening of life is proportional to the waste of ideas—— Darwin

18、Time is not as good as geography, and geography is not as good as harmony—— Pre Qin Mencius


20、Life is long if we can make good use of it—— Seneca


22、Not finding the road is not without the road, the road is at the foot.



25、Valuable people don't depend on how many people you can handle, but on how many people you can help.

26、Most things in the world are done by people who feel uncomfortable

27、There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, people who understand and love life—— Roman Roland

28、A life full of content is a long life. We should measure life by actions, not by time—— Seneca Minor

29、When you stop trying, you fail

30、The most important thing in the world is to show respect to your parents.

31、I don't come to Longfei for happiness, but I come to Longfei for happiness!


33、Today I am proud of the school, tomorrow the school is proud of me.

34、Students who don't want to be bosses are not good students.

35、Although ambitious, down-to-earth is gold.