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1、The next generation of astronauts may hurtle through the cosmos for years or decades on a mission to explore distant planets and stars - and never return.(下一代的宇航员可能要在宇宙中执行为期数年或者数十年的任务,以探索遥远的行星和恒星——并且永不归来。)

2、Texture was integral to design – this was the heyday of woodchip and anaglypta.(质感成为了设计的一个必不可少的组成部分——这是使用木片和浮雕壁纸的鼎盛时期。)

3、Why should we let go of grievance, and embrace forgiveness? It's quite simple, really.(为什么我们应该丢弃怨恨,拥抱宽恕?道理很简单。)

4、Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they're fishing in the fissure for Fisher.(有一条露齿笑的鱼,把渔夫拉进来,现在它们在裂缝里帮费希尔钓鱼。)

5、And for all the abundance he sees, he finds the questions put to him ask where men may repair for succor from the troubles that beset them.(在他所看见的所有富饶的一切中,他发现这些问题被放到自己面前:问从困扰着他们的困难中人们到哪儿才能得到援助。)

6、Every time the document changes, this hash changes.(每当文档更改时,这个哈希表也会更改。)

7、Russian teenagers are risking their lives in a deadly new craze - clinging to the back of Moscow underground trains as they hurtle through darkened tunnels, local media reported.(据当地媒体报道,莫斯科少年最近流行起一种新的疯狂玩法——跳上地铁尾部跟随地铁穿越隧道。)

8、Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity, guilty up to the hilt!(安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。)



11、But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.(而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。)

12、He went to the beautiful old Shaker dresser that graced this homely room.(他走向那个使这间陋室生辉的漂亮的夏克尔式旧橱柜。)

13、In the heyday of globalisation, small countries were fashionable and prosperous.(在全球化鼎盛时期,小国成为时尚并且兴旺发达。)

14、Although pedestrian street training, but that really is a piece uniforms suffocate people, like a sauna in the enjoyment.(虽然在步行街训练,不过那件军服还真是闷死人,活像在享受桑拿。)

15、Objective: Methods are discussed to safeguard health of international medical-team member in succor.(目的:探讨国际灾害医疗救援队员的健康保障方法。)

16、Have several times almost to suffocate, or to be forced to continue to carry on.(有几度差一点快窒息,还是强迫着要继续支撑下去。)

17、Of course, people can e-mail us their product submission forms now.(当然,现在人们也可以通过电子邮件发送产品提交表单。)


19、Do social networks herald the end of search?(社交网络网站意味着搜索引擎的终结吗?)