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“She is a saucy miss.(她是个莽撞的女孩。)。”有哪些句子不容错过呢?现在是互联网时代,网络世界里分享心情已经变得很普遍。多种多样的句子足可表达我们的内心,通过我们的指导您将完全熟悉“英语适合摘抄的句子”的所有方面,不要害怕失败因为失败是成功的前奏!


1、He makes the dust rise from the earth with his swagger; he adds his loud voice to every word that I utter.(他昂首阔步,使地上尘土飞扬;我说出的每一个字里,都掺杂着他的喊叫。)

2、This work models the transition from "ram" to "scram" propulsion.(这一模型将研究从亚燃到超燃的转换。)

3、"You scamp!" said Mother Bear to Little Bear.(“你真顽皮!”熊妈妈对小熊说。)

4、As his weight approached 300 pounds, Saxen happened across a book with a photo of his old, svelte body on the cover.(当他的体重达到300磅的时候,萨克森意外发现了书的封面上刊登了他的旧照-那苗条的身材。)

5、Carbon fiber picks did not work as well as I had hoped. Most importanly they fell short of surreptitious by leaving marks on pin-tumblers similar to traditional tools.(碳素工具的作用并非像想象中那么好,最重要的是它们依然不够隐蔽,因为在弹珠锁中会留下和传统工具相似的痕迹。)

6、Books swill only be on computers, not on paper.(书将会只存在于电脑上,而不是在纸上。)

7、CAM m is almost certainly here to stay and supplant its predecessors.(这里可以断言的是,CAM肯定会替代其前辈。)

8、The technology to irradiate food has been around for the better part of a century.(在大半个世纪以来辐照食品的技术变得愈加突出。)

9、Our conventional superiority is a wasting asset.(我们的传统优势,是一种正在浪费的资产。)

10、British libraries scrimp, save and appeal to lottery and charitable funds to buy collections, but cataloguing, the next stage, is also pricey, so some archives are inaccessible for years.(英国图书馆节俭、节省、恳求一份抽奖式的奖金和慈善基金去购买作品集,但是下一阶段的分类也是十分昂贵的。所以几年来一些档案是没有必要的。)

11、The original German inscription on the back of the photograph reads, "Ukraine 1942, Jewish Action [operation], Ivangorod."(原版照片背面用德文写着“乌克兰1942,犹太人行动,伊万格勒”。)

12、Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches . Sissy trees.(每当寒风吹起,它们就颤抖起来,枝叶直哆嗦。多么娇里娇气的树啊!)

13、On October 7th a businessman in Osaka produced a surreptitious recording of his seven-hour “voluntary” questioning, in which the police threaten to hit him and destroy his life.(十月七日,大阪的一位商人就他的七小时“自愿”审讯做了一份秘密记录,在审讯中,警察威胁说要打他并毁了他的生活。)

14、The driver cannot but make a scram to avert two guys who rush the red light.(司机不得不紧急刹车以避免撞倒两个闯红灯的行人。)

15、He really liked Sissy too well to have a contempt for her.(他实在太喜欢西丝,不至于看她不起。)

16、The extent to which unmanned aircraft could or should supplant piloted ones will be debated for decades.(无人驾驶的飞行器究竟能够或应该在多大的程度上取代有人驾驶的飞行器,争论将会持续几十年。)

17、They start to handle more complicated problems, and then they take over and supplant the old way of doing things.(他们开始处理更复杂的问题,然后他们接管并取代旧的处事方式。)

18、Place berries in a pan with 700ml water, simmer untill fruit starts to burst.(将浆果放置一个盛有700毫升水的锅中,火煨至浆果涨开为止。)


19、There are a hundred lovely children on both sides of a pair of tiny little snuff-boxes.(在一对微型鼻烟壶内面,画有一百个可爱的娃娃。)

20、And indeed when house prices sag consumers tend to lose confidence, which affects growth and jobs.(而实际情况也是,房价下跌,消费者就会失去信心,就业率和经济增也也会受到影响。)

21、The supine pelvic tilt is a great exercise for "awakening" the pelvis, reducing pain in the lumbar spine.(仰卧盘骨倾斜运动对激发盘骨及减少腰椎疼痛有很好的作用。)

22、She is a saucy miss.(她是个莽撞的女孩。)

23、had to scrimp and save to pay for my holiday.(我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。)

24、You think that God will smite him because of our insensitivity?(你认为我们的敏感会使上帝打击他?。)

25、When supine, he had severely reduced blood flow through his brain returning to his heart.(在仰卧的时候,由大脑流向心脏的血流会出现神经性减少。)

26、At Planned Grandparenthood, children targeted by their parents to reproduce could obtain non-biased information about the insanity of having their own kids.(在“祖父母计划”的组织中,被父母逼着生育的孩子可以获得一些客观的信息——关于生养他们自己的孩子可能带来的精神错乱。)

27、The New Interdisciplinary Science Building for Energy Research at Brookhaven Lab, in Upton, New York.(布鲁克海文实验室的跨学科能源研究科学中心,位于纽约州的阿普顿。)

28、Germany could probably shoulder its share but France, with public debt of over 80% of GDP, would sag.(德国也许能够承担自己的那部分份额,但法国因为有着相当于GDP的80%的公共债务而无力承担。)

29、But the inmate population is rising as well.(但犯人的数量也在不断增加。)

30、Group 2 (control group) had 29 patients who were laid supine after injection.(组2(对照组)有29例,注射后采用仰卧位。)

31、He became a Congressman at the young age of 29 and brought his frontier swagger to the Senate a year later.(他29岁成为议员并在一年后昂首阔步进入参议院。)

32、Small wonder that Japan's young, creative engineers are getting in touch with their inner sissy.(难怪日本越来越多年轻,富有创造力的的工程师开始从事原本内心看做娘娘腔的职。)

33、Rudolph looked surreptitious ly at his watch.(鲁道夫偷偷地看了一下自己的表。)

34、Her red fitted gown showed off her svelte figure, while also complementing her light hair and skin.(裁剪得体的红色礼服突出其纤细苗条的体态,同时又和她浅色的肌肤和秀发交相辉映。)

35、Public discontent is beginning to simmer.(公众的不满开始变得激烈起来。)