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1、We are like sisters, is the sum of close friend friend + + sister, this is my good friend-- Lucy! 我们亲如姐妹,可谓是死党+闺蜜+姐妹的总和,这就是我的好朋友——露西!

2、So in these modern times, we need our small community of women mentors, to embrace us and empower us. 所以在现代这样的时期里,我们便很需要良师益友型的闺蜜彼此慰藉和鼓舞。


4、Nobady can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending.—Maria Robinson


6、The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having something worth waiting.



9、Try to look on the bright side,life will be easier.

10、For the most warm words bestie 送给闺蜜的最暖心的话

11、亲爱的闺蜜,你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞关于闺蜜的说说 给闺蜜空间留言句子关于闺蜜的说说 给闺蜜空间留言句子。

12、Nothing is too good for you.

13、His cousin Alicia is my oldest and best friend—my first memory of Lucas was from a home video Alicia showed me of her cool older cousin snowboarding. 他的堂妹 Alicia是我的旧友,也是闺蜜——我对Lucas最初的记忆来自于Alicia给我观看的关于他酷酷表哥的单板滑雪家庭摄影。

14、I like your dress.

15、Fairy tales have ended, forgetting is happiness.

16、maybe you are a person in the world,but you are a world to a person. 也许在bai这个世界你du是一zhi个人,但是对于某个dao人来你是一个世界。

17、If you're still hesitating, whether to make male friends or not, you should try to weigh all pros and cons of this friendship. 如果你仍在犹豫是否去交男闺蜜,你应该试着权衡男女友谊的所有利与弊。 缫。

18、Friends are like walls. Sometimes you lean on them, but sometimes it’s just enough to know they are there.

19、I felt in love with Rose.

20、envy one's sister 羡慕自己的姐

21、在西方,“姐姐”和“妹妹”都叫sister,只有需要特别表明年龄大小时或其他必要情况下,才分为elder sister和younger sister。


23、We have to try harder to get this monkey off our back.

24、Introduce:Lin Ting, Tian Tian and Peng fine fine are 80 hind boudoir is sweet, live average life severally. 简介:林婷、田甜和彭佳佳是80后闺蜜,各自过着普通的生活。

25、One season is flying, one is shallow dance.

26、Are you seducing me?
