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If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.(如果不加遏制,杂草就会疯长。)~~网上传播较多的类似句子还有哪些呢?或许"qq说说的英文怎么说精选50句"是你正在寻找的内容,供你参考,希望能帮到你。

1、The size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks.(鱼的大小决定鱼排的厚度。)

2、It is a country where corruption is rife.(这是个腐败成风的国家。)

3、All raise your glasses and drink to Katie and Tom!(大家举起杯为凯蒂和汤姆祝福吧!)

4、They came at six and went at nine.(他们是六点钟来的,九点钟走的。)

5、They knew they risked being arrested.(他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。)

6、They had their hands tied behind their backs.(他们双手被反剪起来。)

7、It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.(那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。)

8、He was always such a gentleman.(他总是这样一个彬彬有礼的人。)

9、There were thousands of people there—well, hundreds, anyway.(那里有数以千计的人,噢,至少几百人。)

10、From now on you can work on your own.(从现在起你可以独自工作。)

11、He was lying—or was he?(他在说谎,还是没有说谎?)

12、felt as if all my teeth had been punched out.(我觉得好像我满口牙齿都被打掉了。)

13、I'll happily help, if I can.(如果我能帮忙,我倒很乐意。)

14、They knew they had been rumbled.(他们知道自己已经被识破了。)

15、Take as much time as you like.(你想花多少时间就花多少时间。)

16、It's almost as if there is a hex on my family.(我家几乎像中了魔一样。)

17、She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.(她绊了一跤摔倒了,擦伤了双掌和双膝。)

18、Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving.(许多工厂太陈旧以致不值得保留。)

19、was sure she knew the answer but for some reason she hung back.(我敢保证她知道答案,但不知为什么她不敢说出来。)

20、The flavour of the garlic overpowered the meat.(大蒜的味道盖过了肉味。)

21、I'm not allowed visitors.(我不可以接见来访者。)

22、It can be black, white or grey.(它可能是黑的、白的或灰的。)

23、Eva gossiped with Sarah.(伊娃与萨拉闲聊。)

24、He went into the house.(他进了房子。)

25、For three years, I have probed for understanding.(3年来我一直在寻求理解。)

26、She's not as daft as she looks.(她并不像看上去那么傻。)

27、Your request will be actioned.(你的要求会处理的。)

28、Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday?(我们能指望你星期天来参加吗?)

29、walked into town.(我走进了市中心。)

30、She went to her room to unpack.(她回到自己的卧室打开行李取出衣物。)

31、He indicated left and then turned right.(他打出的是左转信号,然后却向右转了。)

32、The receptionist led the way to the boardroom.(接待员领路来到董事会会议室。)

33、I'm not very sporty.(我不擅长体育运动。)

34、He observes keenly, but says little.(他观察敏锐,但言语寥寥。)

35、It took five strong men to heave it up a ramp and lower it into place.(用了5个壮汉把它拉上斜坡并向下放置到位。)

36、You're as tall as your father.(你和你父亲一样高。)

37、I'm not being boastful.(我不是在自夸。)

38、These patients are not neurotics.(这些病人不是神经官能症患者。)

39、Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, and as for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.(你的如意斗篷挂在壁橱里,至于鸟的心,我也还给你。)

40、The road bends here then straightens out.(公路在这儿拐弯,然后就直了。)

41、Thank you in the past year for our companys strong support, I wish you luck in the New Year, the future! Thanks to the New Year。

42、Her eyes showed no fear.(她的眼神无丝毫畏惧。)

43、There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.(关于谁来支付什么费用并没有一定要遵守的规定,只有传统的准则。)

44、Long hair for men came in in the sixties.(男子留长发在60年代流行开来。)

45、He arrived in London in November 1939.(他于1939年11月到达伦敦。)

46、There are lots of people there who can actually help you.(那里有很多人可以真正帮上你的忙。)

47、She felt as if it were at once queer and beautiful and she wanted him to go on and on.(她觉得这既古怪又美好,她想让他继续唱下去。)

48、The area has been mined for slate for centuries.(这个地区开采板岩有数百年了。)

49、Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out.(情况越来越糟,给养也快耗尽了。)

50、If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.(如果不加遏制,杂草就会疯长。)