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wisdom holds the key to 3, a number of open, an open letter, an open note. knowledge, thin~~网上还有哪些相关的句子呢?相信你应该喜欢句抄派小编整理的热爱学习名言(必备44句),欢迎收藏本网站,继续关注我们的更新!

1、division,'s model. (yang xiong)

2、love their children road.


4、's learned, the interrogation, the deliberative extensively, the atsuyuki. ( "the book of rites")

5、knowledge is not land on the water, hand-social available; but deep in the thick soil and rock under the kennedy qingquan, the only people who have the courage to drilling, she can taste it. (new motto)

6、light of the most commonly used keys. (english proverb)

7、genius than the soil and, of course, less than the number of teeth, but not the extreme hard, also fear it is not easy to do; but there is nothing more than idle natural talent sure. this is great soil, there are also anti-big hope. (lu)

8、people who have ability to master the devil, the wisdom of the people riding lions


10、talent to work, talent and creation are carried out. (schumann)

11、theory can not solve those problems, the practice will give you resolve. (feuerbach)

12、read more famous works, to the more experienced people to ask, is equally necessary. (guo)

13、interested in is the best teacher. (albert einstein)

14、to know and learn, and then only be able to. ((warring states) kuang)


16、革命理想,不是无关紧要的点缀品,而是一个人生命的动力,有了理想,就等于有了灵魂。 —— 吴运铎

17、all right in theory, in practice must also effective. (kant)

18、troubles did not sigh ai xiao qiang, written in the learning bit by bit. (tao zhu)

19、sage often fool for example. (chaucer)

20、to the intake of nutrients necessary for people to eat more and more people are healthier, and likewise, the real scholars are often not in a lot of books, but read the book useful people (aristide)

21、wisdom is always better than strength ( collection)

22、proficient in handling the shortage in the industry play, into line with the si destroyed. ((don) han yu)




26、as long as willing to learn, we will be able society. (lenin)

27、wisdom of the people can write, but making history is hot (feuerbach)



30、where people talk and inspired by the weather and the like, and i like to play carpenter gold jewelry chains as well work, a small ring very appropriate to connect. (heine)

31、a person, only in practice, the use of the ability to know.

32、it should be noted that detailed study, not sloppy, as this will gradually learn, explore, to find the objective law. (xu teli)


34、labor in reading, writing in the plaza. ((million)-end ceremony)


36、read more and more without thinking, and you will feel you know a lot; but when you read and think more, and you will see more clearly, you also have to know very little. (voltaire)



39、my food does not taste all day, night sleep is not to think, no good, it is better to learn also. ((spring and autumn) confucius)

40、... must not give up on themselves ... go take the first step, as long as the walk, will have the power. (fabre)

41、's great works rather than by force, but insisted on the complete. (johnson)

42、shinya to world music, books all day long in the case. ((song) ouyang xiu)

43、the only free intellectual (seneca)

44、wisdom holds the key to 3, a number of open, an open letter, an open note. knowledge, thinking, in which the illusion. (hugo)