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Is that gospel?(那是绝对真理吗?)。怎么写出让人内心触动的句子呢?互联网为人们的生活带来了更多的可能性,在说说动态里分享句子很是普遍。它们可以表达不同的心情或者想法,句抄派的编辑筛选出了英语好词好句摘抄的相关素材以便更好地处理信息,请把这页句子加入收藏以便今后翻阅!


1、was just a hick from Texas then.(那时我不过是从得克萨斯来的土包子。)

2、If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.(如果不加遏制,杂草就会疯长。)

3、Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday?(我们能指望你星期天来参加吗?)

4、Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, and as for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.(你的如意斗篷挂在壁橱里,至于鸟的心,我也还给你。)

5、He went into the house.(他进了房子。)

6、Yet he went on and on this way.(然而,他继续这样走下去。)

7、Getting my work done! My God! As if it mattered.(把我的活儿干完!我的天哪!好像这很要紧似的。)

8、This door is alarmed.(这扇门安装了警报器。)

9、There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.(关于谁来支付什么费用并没有一定要遵守的规定,只有传统的准则。)

10、You're in luck. The doctor's still in.(你运气不错,医生还在。)

11、As for the title, why do England lose?(至于冠军,英格兰为什么输?)

12、He was lying—or was he?(他在说谎,还是没有说谎?)

13、He arrived in London in November 1939.(他于1939年11月到达伦敦。)

14、For some unfathomable reason, there are no stairs where there should be.(因为某种不可理解的原因,该有楼梯的地方却没有。)

15、They had their hands tied behind their backs.(他们双手被反剪起来。)

16、was sure she knew the answer but for some reason she hung back.(我敢保证她知道答案,但不知为什么她不敢说出来。)

17、was banking on getting something to eat on the train.(我指望在火车上能找到吃的。)

18、She felt as if it were at once queer and beautiful and she wanted him to go on and on.(她觉得这既古怪又美好,她想让他继续唱下去。)

19、don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.(我不喝威士忌和白兰地,也不喝其他烈性酒。)


20、addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.(我以此致琼斯伉俪及子女。)

21、What a nice dog—is it a he or a she?(多好的狗—它是公的还是母的?)

22、They knew they risked being arrested.(他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。)

23、They had liquor for the adults and sodas for the children.(他们为成年人准备了酒,为孩子们准备了汽水。)

24、Is that gospel?(那是绝对真理吗?)

25、It didn't seem worthwhile writing it all out again.(把这再都写出来似乎不必要。)

26、I'm not being boastful.(我不是在自夸。)

27、They knew they had been rumbled.(他们知道自己已经被识破了。)

28、We didn't go as far as the others.(我们不如其他人走得远。)

29、It can be black, white or grey.(它可能是黑的、白的或灰的。)

30、The flavour of the garlic overpowered the meat.(大蒜的味道盖过了肉味。)

31、This isn't as bad as I thought.(这没我原来所想的那么差。)

32、They chiseled him out of hundreds of dollars.(他们骗了他几百元钱。)

33、She's not from these parts.(她不是这一带的人。)

34、That plant's died.(那植物已经枯萎。)

35、Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins.(学生们过去发挥了重要的作用,但现在,他们不再重要了。)

36、From now on you can work on your own.(从现在起你可以独自工作。)

37、Snakes are carnivorous.(蛇都是食肉动物。)