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However, a tall latte or cappuccino will cost a dime less, while a tall hot or iced brewed~~你对这种风格的短句感兴趣吗?下面,我们为你推荐了咖啡的短句英文句子必备,欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!


2、Do you want a cup of coffee?

3、Tasting coffee before, don't forget to temperature a heat just the bone China cups of coffee son, complete seal all flavor. 品尝咖啡以前,别忘了温一只热度恰好的骨瓷杯子,完整封存咖啡的所有风姿。

4、And one last tip about the coffee experience:if you decide your coffee needs sugar, don't forget to take your spoon out and place it on your saucer once you have stirred your drink. 喝咖啡的另外一个建议:如果你觉得你的咖啡需要加糖,在你搅拌完咖啡后,别忘了将咖啡匙取出来,放在碟子上。

5、I'll take just coffee, demi tasse, please. 我只要咖啡,一小杯黑咖啡,请。

6、If you do not care services to the less heart of the coffee shop to drink coffee, sometimes hot-cold-drink coffee. 如果不小心到服务不那么用心的咖啡店喝咖啡,有时候会喝到半冷半热的咖啡。

7、What difference, after all, can a few sprinkles of salt make to your morning cup of joe? 盐啡的跟咖啡的不同之处只是在早餐的咖啡上加点盐而已。

8、Learn about the deliciousness of french pressed coffee in this free video clip about using a french coffee press. 了解法国在这个自由压咖啡视频剪辑的美味咖啡有关使用法语新闻。


10、coffee ice cream

11、There is a coffee shop in Fairview. 在美景镇有一家咖啡店。

12、I pour coffee in my cup.我把咖啡倒进杯子里。

13、I’m really dead。我真的要累死了(有的`时候当你的课业负担太重的时候,

14、Coffee, cocktail and wine-related sales, including coffee machine, tools, and beans, kinds of wines and bartending tools. 代理各种进口咖啡机、咖啡器皿、咖啡豆、咖啡粉、各种洋酒、调酒器皿、葡萄酒。



17、Starbucks, the omni-present purveyor of lattes and espressos was probably most responsible for raising the bar on what constitutes good coffee. 应该说,是星巴克提高了“好咖啡”的门槛,星巴克在北美可谓无处不在,而快餐店提供的咖啡只能算是品质一般的咖啡了。

18、I am behind you我支持你(哇,是说我一只在你的背后默默支持你吗?好感

19、Recent news that coffee may be correlated with a variety of positive health benefits only fuels my desire for a daily cuppa. 最近有新闻报道咖啡跟一系列有益健康有关,燃起了我每天喝一杯咖啡的兴趣。

20、When the coffee arrived I explained my proposal to him. 咖啡上来时,我开始跟他解释自己的计划。


22、By hooking up the coffeemaker to a PC and connecting the PC to the Internet, coffee connoisseurs can remotely concoct the perfect cup of coffee. 通过连接咖啡机到电脑和个人电脑连接到互联网,咖啡鉴赏家可以远程编造的完美一杯咖啡。

23、Café Ren, a place brimming with rich aroma of coffee, delectable cakes and chocolate, selections of good wines and champagnes. “咖啡人”口感非凡的咖啡和美味的欧式点心,以及甘醇的葡萄酒—无法遮挡的优质高雅尽显其中。


25、A ^v^12-cup brewer^v^ usually holds about a quart and a half: 12 European cups, requiring 12 scoops of coffee. 一个“ 12杯咖啡机”通常有大约一夸脱半: 12欧式量杯,需要12美式咖啡舀的咖啡。


27、The difference could also lie in the care with which Kona coffee is handpicked, ensuring that only the highest quality berries are harvested for coffee production. 科纳咖啡的特别之处还在于,每颗科纳咖啡豆都是经过人工精选采收的,以确保只有品质最好的咖啡豆才能被用于咖啡的生产。


29、Coffee lovers say that Kopi Luwak is the best coffee in the world. 咖啡爱好者说麝香猫咖啡是世界上最好的咖啡。

30、If you can't find it,don't be too sad. We can't always have what we want… it's just life. 爱也像咖啡啊 你要细心烘焙打磨 然后小心翼翼地煮 它才会美味 咖啡末本身也是咖啡的一部分你要享受咖啡的味道就也要忍受咖啡末儿的酸涩口感 不过只要你把咖啡放一放 咖啡末儿就会沉到杯底…

31、It noted these others included an ordinary coffee, containing four calories, an iced Americano, containing 11 calories, an iced caffe latte with skimmed milk, containing 68 calories. 而普通咖啡的热量仅为四个卡路里,冰镇美式咖啡热量为11卡路里、冰镇脱脂拿铁咖啡的热量为68卡路里。

32、The perfect balance of espresso and frothed milk. 咖啡和精选牛奶的完美平衡。

33、Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops. 花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。

34、Petits fours and demitasse. Yes, sir. 精美小饼和小杯黑咖啡,是的,先生。

35、I couldn’t be more sure。我再也肯定不过了(如果你很强烈的想要人家相

36、Kaya toast comes with a lovely soft boiled googie. Iced coffee in the background. 跟咖央面包一起来的还有一个可爱的稍微煮了下的鸡蛋。背景里是冰咖啡。

37、The year was 1716 when Venetian coffee shop merchants began distributing leaflets exalting their new product: coffee. This may be the first example of advertising for coffee shops. 威尼斯的咖啡店主们在xx年开始散发传单,赞美他们的新产品:咖啡。这被认识是最早的咖啡店广告。

38、Who wants a coffee?

39、JOYCE Creme caramel . And coffee. Hot coffee. 乔伊斯奶油焦糖,还有咖啡,热咖啡。

40、Civet coffee, priced at several hundred dollars per pound, is harvested from the civet cats' of Southeast Asia's excrement. 果子狸咖啡(俗称“猫屎咖啡”)每磅售价几百美元,也是产自东南亚果子狸的粪便。

41、a jar of coffee


43、Love is like a cup of delicious coffee; marriage is the remaining coffee coffee cup. 爱情就像是一杯美味香浓的咖啡;婚姻则是剩余咖啡渣的咖啡杯。 羒。

44、Coffee beans are the bean-like seeds of the coffee tree. 咖啡豆是咖啡树上像豆一样的种子。

45、Americano is recommended to new coffee enthusiasts who may find the espresso taste is too strong. 对于刚迷上喝咖啡的人来说,可能会觉得意式咖啡过浓,这样美式咖啡就很值得推荐了。

46、You are the milk in my coffee(你是我咖啡里的牛奶)咖啡加了牛奶更加好喝,比喻你令我更美好.You light up my life (你点亮了我的生命)



49、However, a tall latte or cappuccino will cost a dime less, while a tall hot or iced brewed coffee will cost a nickel less in some markets. 不过,一中杯拿铁咖啡或卡布其诺(cappuccino)咖啡的售价会降低10美分;在某些市场上,中杯热或冰的现调咖啡将降价5美分。