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Far from the fire, happiness and peace.我们经常会分享自己看到的一些句子。这些话足以表达我们的心声,有哪些短句值得我们收藏?句抄派的编辑通过细心的整理为大家带来了英语消防安全短句,希望这些句子能够给你一些启示请将它们保留下来!


1、Cherish the home, eliminate the fire.

2、Stay away from fire, and live happily ever after.

3、Loopholes in the system, the fire will be drilled.

4、Peace and prosperity, elimination of fire.

5、The school is my home, fire prevention, everybody catch.

6、The elimination of fire, for the benefit of future generations.

7、Two fire taboo, paralysis and carelessness.

8、Fire protection facilities, everyone loves.

9、Elimination of fire, peace and prosperity.

10、A small cigarette is a small curse.

11、Evacuation passage, gate of life.

12、Cherish life, keep away from fire.

13、The community is my home, and fire protection depends on everyone.

14、Far from the fire, happiness and peace.

15、Fire is a big tree, responsibility is fertile soil.

16、Fire control work responsibility.

17、Fire is merciless, fire prevention is the first.

18、Watch out for fire, cherish life.

19、Thousands of days of hard work, burning sun.

20、Fire is merciless and fire prevention is first.

21、Community is my home, fire prevention, we catch.

22、Pay attention to fire, cherish your home.

23、Security self-examination, hidden danger must be removed.


24、Burn incense and sacrifice, beware of fire.

25、Compliance with fire law, no violation.

26、From primary school fire fighting, create peace home.

27、Emergency rescue service for you.

28、Waterproof two taboo, paralysis and carelessness.

29、Will lead evacuation, can escape self-help.

30、Throw cigarette butts at random, safe hidden advantages.

31、Survival is instinct, escape by skill.

32、Fire rescue, the first to save people.

33、Attention to fire, protect my home.

34、If you want people to be safe, fire first.

35、From time to time in the fire, safely bandai.

36、Life is precious, and peace is priceless.

37、Safe fire, happiness you and me.

38、Home appliances, safety should pay attention to.

39、Public security fire brigade, fire fighting free of charge.

40、Caution fireworks, happy family.

41、Love the people and send them safely.

42、Merciless fire, alarm bells ringing.

43、Prevent fire and eliminate hidden trouble.

44、Little fire extinguisher, family protector.

45、Go out without worries, first check the source of fire.

46、Prevention first, combination of prevention and elimination.